Sunday, May 1, 2011

Can We Live On Other Planets?


Can humans live on the moon or even beyond that? Our Earth is located perfectly at a safe distance from the sun. Not to close to boil but not to far away to freeze. For 5 billion years the sun has gave us life, energy for plants, and warmth on this planet. But the sun as we speak is slowly getting hotter and hotter. One day what the sun has given to Earth it can also take back. So for humans to have a future past Earth we must find ways to survive beyond Earth in space. Mars could be an answer. Today mars is to cold and life less. Its atmosphere is 200 times thinner than our own. And a person standing on mars today would die in a second. But in some ways we may be able to call it home. Mars has frozen water and has carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the atmosphere that may one day be able to create life. Small allege may one day be able to live on mars before humans and lead us on a way to another home.


The sun is slowly getting hotter making the save zone (where earth is right now) in our universe father away from the sun. In the future earth will be to hot to live on and will not be able to hold life. So what will humans do? Die on earth or explore and create new colonies in space. Fortunately this wont be a problem for another coupl

e of billion years. But life on Mars is very capable. Mars is very cold, so to create a life bearing world it must be warmed up! And to do that it wont be as hard as you think. Today we are polluting the air on Earth and trapping heat inside earths atmospheres. The pollution on Earth could be the medicine on Mars. We could do the same thing to

mars and send machines to Mars that take in Mars dust and chemicals and send out green house gases. Over time it will warm up and allege will be able to survive on mars and create oxygen from the carbon dioxide. And eventually may become another Earth like world. But eventually Mars will be like Earth and will be to close to the sun and will be to hot to support life. So when that happens where next? Well Another planet in our solar system thats is one of Jupiter's moons called Europa that today is an airless planet with a crust of hard ice. If we could melt the ice we could life at the bottom of oceans in aquatic cities.


We would use technology no has even discovered yet to make this a reality. And we don't need to worry now about the end of Earth any time soon, theirs no hurry to leave.

Impact on the World/Humanity

The impact on Humans would be the most important, survival. And if we can live on two planets at once we can cultivate two planets at once giving everyone more resources and land.

Journal Article Review

When astronauts landed on the moon one of the first things everyone thought was could we life there? And scientist say we can! It would just take a lot of money and effort to create a place to live on the moon for no positive return for living there. It would be pointless and a waste of resources. But creating a shelter for life for the means of survival is worth it and is well possible for humans to do it.


1. Brain, Marshall. "Will any one ever live on the moon and/or Mars? – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks." The Blogs at HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2011. <>.

2. "Can We Live On The Moon | NASA's mission: Can we live on the moon? - Los Angeles Times." Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2011. <>.

3. "Can we live on Mars? - The Norwegian Space Centre ." - The Norwegian Space Centre . N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2011. <>.

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