Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Andrew Longe 5/1/11

Biology Mrs. D’arco

X rays


In 1895 a German scientist accidently made a mistake during a experiment he was conducting. He was conducting experiments with cathode ray tubes and testing their characteristics. Little did he know this mistake would end up changing the world.


While conducting experiments in 1895 with cathode-ray tubes Wilhelm Roentgen discovered that they emitted invisible rays that could penetrate paper and wood. He also saw that the tube caused a screen covered with florescent material across the room started to glow. He used this invention to examine the bones in the human hand and invented the first x-ray machine although the modern x-ray machine we know today was not invented for another several years.

Fun use

The full potential of the x-ray was not discovered at first. Often x-rays were advertised as the new scientific wonder of the world and were seized upon by entertainers. At the circus members of the audience were given the chance to view their own Skelton. They also took pictures of peoples hand and put fake jewelry on the bones. Although many people were fascinated with the invention of the x-ray a few people believed that the could look through walls and would ruin the concept of privacy.x rays.jpg

Medical use

The most important use of the x-ray was in the medical field. People soon learned after this invention in 1895 that doctors could now see your broken bone with out having to open up the limb or amputate the limb. Within weeks of its arrival to America the invention of the x-ray was used to diagnose bone fractures.x-rays-01.jpg


Many people do not understand what a x-ray actually is. X-rays are waves of electromagnetic energy. It behaves much like a rays of light but the wavelengths are much shorter. These wavelengths when focused at a single target can often pass right through a low-density object. Higher density targets like the human body will reflect or absorb the X-ray. Then x-ray then shows dark area where the rays pass right through the object and light areas where the rays did not make it through.

Modern X-Rays

The modern x-rays machine we know today are classified as two types, hard x-rays or soft X-rays. The soft x-rays are the rays we use to photograph bones while the hard x-rays are used to destroy the molecules within specific cells and to destroy the tissue. These hard x-rays are used in radiotherapy as a treatment for cancer. These hard x-ray machines are a form of particle accelerators.


In conclusion with out the invention of the x-ray modern medicine would not be what it is today. From seeing into the limbs of patients with broken bones to destroying cancerous tissue the world would not be the same with out this invention.

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